Wednesday, March 21, 2012


GOD is the best listener, You Don’t need to shout, nor cry out loud. Because, he hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart….

Disappointments  are just GOD’S way of saying
Be patient , live life, have faith….

Sometimes you gotta take your hand off the steering wheel and let GOD drive…
God has a reason for allowing things to happen …..
We may never understand his wisdom but we simply have to trust his will…..

Talking to God is like talking to a friend on the telephone...We may not see Him on the other end but we know He is listening.
Trust God completely and he will solve all difficulties. Faithfully leave everything to Him and He will see to everything…Meher Baba

So long as we believe in our heart of hearts that our capacity is limited and we grow anxious and unhappy, we are lacking in faith. One who truly trusts in God has no rights to be anxious about anything.

 He who trusts in God and makes a honest living to share with others and injures no one; nor harbors’ ill will against another need perform no rituals……

Guru tegh Bahadur

Being Humble is more important than being wise. Because God doesn’t need a proud mouth that speaks much, but a kind heart that listens…

The best things are never arrived in haste.God is in no hurry.His plans are never rushed.

The moment you put the ego aside, the curtain disappears. God is not hidden, only your eyes are closed.Open your eyes……
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect

If we go deeper into our connection to God, we will find an inner reality so deep and satisfying that it lifts the consciousness
-Radhanath Swami

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