Thursday, June 13, 2024


There are three keys to getting the best out of others and the first of these is appreciation,

every time you thank another person, you cause that person to like themselves more.

you raise their self-esteem and you improve their self-image.

You cause them to feel more important, you make them feel, that what they did was valuable and worthwhile. You empower people by expressing appreciation.

And the wonderful thing about thanking other people is that every time you say the words thank You, you like yourself better as well. You feel better inside, you feel happier and more content with yourself and life. You feel more fully integrated and positive about what you are doing

When you develop an attitude of gratitude that flows forth from you and all your interactions with others, you will be amazed at how popular you will become and how eager others will be to help you in whatever you are doing.

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