Friday, September 27, 2024

Mentally fit people

 Mentally fit people: 

1. Don't expect everyone to understand them

2. Don't force their opinion on others

3. If you criticise them constantly they comfortably move out

4. Are clear about personal, financial and relationship goals.

5. know that all the thoughts in the mind are not true, they choose and respond to the thoughts

6. have a strong connection between their thoughts behavior and goals

Choose to stay mentally fit, that is real self-love.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Unlock the power of winning: Boost your happiness

 "A valuable lesson I learned over the years is that successful people set achievable goals. Crossing these finish lines, no matter how small the task, provides a sense of accomplishment. This positive reinforcement boosts self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness.

To experience this winning feeling, simply set a goal and work towards achieving it. Even something as simple as cleaning your car can be a victory."

Brian Tracy.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Quotes by Steve Jobs

 You Can't connect the dots looking FORWARD;

You can only connect them looking BACKWARDS..

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Brian Tracy - How to become a Millionaire

What is really important is the person you have to become, to become a self-made millionaire

You have to become a totally different human being...

One of my friends says, 

To achieve something you never achieved before, you have to become someone you have never been before 

Significant insight is the qualities that you need to develop, qualities on the inside to become a self-made millionaire or incredible qualities that make you a vastly better person...not only better in terms of character determination, discipline, decision-making strength and so on.

but they make you a far better person they round out your character in a far better way... 

so that the real payoff of becoming wealthy is not because you could eat more...

because how many more meals can you eat... how many more clothes can you wear...

because it is the kind of person that you become and then the kind of people that you associate with that kind of life you have.

Don't quit

Don't quit on yourself

Don't quit on this Opportunity

Don't quit on your success 

Don't quit on being the best of Yourself

Don't be fooled by thing's that won't get you over that line, that won't push you over that wall, that won't give you the strength to climb that rope.

Whatever it takes give it everything you've got.

don't see the sky as the limit, put your footprints on the moon and make the impossible possible for You.

This time this hour this moment It's yours go get it but do not depend on your flesh..., Depend on the soul...The soul of a true champion.

Friday, August 02, 2024

6 points for success.

1. seeing how people treat service workers is one of the best indicators of someone's true colors

2. Focus on becoming more disciplined instead of more motivated- the second is fleeting while the first will change your life

3. To be truly successful you must first fail.

4. If you learn to embrace rejection you will become unstoppable because the fear of rejection will be dismantled

5. It's not what happens in life but how you react that matters the most in the end

6. Work hard so that your choices are a reflection of your goals instead of your fears


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Inversion (critical thinking):

In critical thinking, inversion is a problem-solving technique that involves considering the opposite of what you want to achieve. 

This can help you to identify potential problems and roadblocks and to come up with more creative solutions. 

For example, if you are trying to figure out how to improve your productivity, you could ask yourself "What are the things that are making me less productive?" This can help you to identify areas where you can make changes.