Sunday, September 02, 2012

Lao Tzu’s words.....

Express yourself completely, and then keep quiet. Be like forces of nature; when it blows, there is only wind; when it rains there is only rain; when the clouds pass, the sun shines through

Osho's words....

The dance of the flower in the wind, in the sun, in the rain, cannot be understood by the head; the Heart has to be open for it….

Desire means the way to go out; desire is the path that leads you 
 out. If your mind still desires, you cannot move within…….  

Enlightenment is when all hope disappears. Enlightenment is the disappearance of hope….

Taoists say the true heart is in the third eye; it is unmoving, always the same. The physical heart is always in chaos, and the spiritual heart in the third eye is always in order. It is order itself. That’s why it is called agya chakra – the center from which order arise, discipline arises

Express your uniqueness in whatsoever you do. Express your individuality. Let existence be proud of you. Then life will not be felt like a drag; it will become a fragrance…

Life should be continuous celebration, a festival of lights the whole year round. Only then you can grow up, you can blossom.  Transform small things into celebration

No quality should be stamped as feminine or masculine... 

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The whole of life is nothing but a play and one should not take it seriously. The moment you take it seriously you get it into trouble. The very attitude of seriousness is the root causes all anxiety. Take it easy…Take life as fun! Really, life is nothing but a drama. 

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